Sleepy Jester Dervish


Sleepy Jester Dervish


Created with porcelain clay, this maquette (small study for a larger sculpture) is hand painted with underglaze after bisque firing and then glazed with cone 5 glazes, both clear and with color. The piece was stained with black underglaze after bisque firing and before other colorants were painted on.

I used the press mold I made for my Mini-Blessing Totems for the face, then formed the head and added the headdress. Then the body was formed with clay embossed with simple patterns made from sprig mold I made. The green clay was painted with a colored porcelain slip before bisque firing.

It stands 7” tall by 4 ½” wide, and 4 ½ in length. He looks as though he’s in a reverie after his mystical journey with the Divine. Even though not dressed in proper dervish attire, the flowing drape of his gown gives me a sense of his dance and trance. HIs headdress is an outpouring of Nature reaching to the Heavens.

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